Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting can be a simple and inexpensive way to add the perfect finishing touch to your outdoor landscaping design while increasing the value of your home and land.

Contemporary outdoor lighting systems are a smart investment. Professionally installed and maintained outdoor lighting systems will increase the value and resale of residential and commercial properties while simultaneously making it the showcase of the area.

Why Install Low Voltage Landscape Lighting?

Security - High voltage floodlights leave dark shadows and unseen areas around a property. A better choice is strategically placed low voltage lights that provide low levels of even illumination. Increase the safety, security and value of your property.

Safety - Low Voltage lighting is the ideal choice for illuminating walkways and entranceway's. This ensures that residents and visitors can safely navigate around the property.

Usability - Illuminating the private areas of a property allow the evening enjoyment of decks, sitting areas, and recreational spaces. Continue outdoor activities like dining or entertaining long after night falls.

Beauty - Low voltage lighting accentuates the shapes and textures of a landscape and its structures. Lighting designers not only paint pictures with light, they create dramatic scenes that give the viewer a dynamic experience of the property.

Economy - Low voltage lighting consumes about 1/3 the electricity compared to high voltage systems and is far less expensive to install.

Call John or Dave today for a free landscape lighting estimate 240-304-8643(John) 240-398-0096(Dave).


"For a Brighter and Greener Tomorrow"